AIA Toledo High School Design Competition

Celebrating Creativity and Innovation Since 1950

A Nationally Recognized Program

Originally started in 1950 with 23 entries from three high schools, the competition has grown exponentially. We’ve proudly hosted as many as 206 entries from up to 25 area high schools. AIA Toledo is particularly proud of the HSDC, as it holds the distinction of being the longest-running program of its kind in the history of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). This legacy of excellence is a testament to the dedication and hard work of both the students and the advisors who participate each year.

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Stay connected with the AIA Toledo High School Design Competition

Important Dates

2/21/25 | Rendering Day

3/20/25 | Projects Due

3/21/25 | Judging Day

Featured Event

What is HSDC?

The AIA Toledo High School Design Competition (HSDC) is an annual event that brings together the brightest young minds from both junior high and high schools across the region. Taking place from January to April, this program is directed by AIA Toledo and administered through teachers and local design professionals who serve as advisors.

Each year, students are presented with a real-world architectural problem to solve, requiring them to develop a design solution that meets the client’s needs. Over the course of the 10-week program, students learn about the design process, utilize architectural tools, and receive guidance from their teachers and architect advisors.

For the competition, students submit architectural drawings, including floor plans, site plans, building elevations, sections, and three-dimensional representations. These submissions are judged, and students have the opportunity to compete for cash prizes and college scholarships. The HSDC not only enhances students' understanding of architecture but also fosters their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Project based learning, critical thinking, creative problem solving... all educational buzzwords; all the things designers do daily and AIA Toledo gifts to students for the past 70 years!
— Richard Rose, Instructor at Penta
As a teacher, this is the best real life architecture problem the students will encounter while in high school.” -Todd Heslet, instructor at Anthony Wayne High School.
— Todd Heslet, instructor at Anthony Wayne High School

Join Us!

Whether you are a student looking to test your skills, a teacher eager to inspire your class, or a community member interested in supporting the next generation of designers, the Annual High School Design Competition welcomes you. For more information on how your school or student can participate, please contact us.

One of the most rewarding parts of mentoring for the High School Design Competition is seeing high school students pursue education in architecture and return to Northwest Ohio to start their careers. The HSDC cultivates talented design professionals from our very own communities.
— Alissa O’Neill, AIA
The longevity of AIA Toledo’s High School Design Competition is a testament to its significance and success. Generations of Toledo Architects have engaged young adults in their communities, enabling them to experience the facets of architecture – and inspire a future career in the field. I am fortunate to be a mentor to and committee member of this esteemed program, and I look forward to the continued opportunity of building relationships with the educators and their students in Northwest Ohio.
— Trey Meyer, AIA

AIA Toledo Annual Platinum Partners

Architectural Award Winners Scholarship Sponsors

HSDC Award Sponsors